
Thalia @ Pictures in the Words

I'm Thalia! I run a book blog called Pictures in the Words and I hope to be an editor for YA fiction. I'm a GoodReads refugee!



Currently Reading

The Martian
Andy Weir
Progress: 31/369 pages
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
J.R.R. Tolkien, Humphrey Carpenter
Progress: 193/432 pages
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
J.K. Rowling
Progress: 43/766 pages
The Children of Húrin
J.R.R. Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien
Progress: 313/313 pages

So Much Closer

So Much Closer - Susane Colasanti So, what the heck? From the very beginning, I thought this book was poorly written, and then it also turned out to be shallow and superficial. The main character, Brooke, was a total airhead, and so delusional that she actually followed a guy, whom she had barely talked to or interacted with, she had an obscure crush on to an entirely different city. She moved in with her dad, after refusing to speak to him for six years (despite his repeated efforts to interact with her about her parents’ divorce), and found out his street and school. She evidently has a bunch of emotional and trust issues, although we never find out about them (other than she doesn’t like her dad), and on top of everything else, she’s a genius but refuses to do well in school because she’s against the “system”.Everything about this book bothered me. Maybe it would have been more bearable if the writing wasn’t so bad, but yet again, present tense writing sucks the pleasure out of everything and makes bad writing even worse. And you guys know how much I hate saying writing is downright bad–at least with other things, it’s just a matter of opinion, factors that maybe I didn’t like, but other people would. But with bad writing, there’s not much that can be done about it. It bothers me to say something so final and I guess…mean like that, but this is just one of those books.Read more?