I'm Thalia! I run a book blog called Pictures in the Words and I hope to be an editor for YA fiction. I'm a GoodReads refugee!
I must preface this review by saying that, despite the three star rating, I don’t have any idea what I liked about this book. That is, I know what made me like this book, but I don’t know how to explain it except “that’s just the way I feel”. Which I know makes for a poor review explanation, but it’s all I can really offer.
That being said, I truly disliked the beginning of this novel. When I realized it was written in third person, present tense, I wanted to scream and run away, and to me, it just seemed to drag on forever. I thought it would hold a little more of my attention, especially considering that I’m a singer—not professionally, of course, but I know the ins and outs of choral music and what it takes to make good sounds, technically speaking. But nothing about this book intrigued either the musician or the fantasy buff in me.
However, a little more than halfway through, it did something extraordinary to the romantic in me.
This book is not a romance—not by any stretch of the imagination. It’s not about a teenage girl finding and falling in love with the guy of her dreams. It might have ended up being that way a little bit, but I clarify this because I don’t want to scare off anything who might be adamantly against books that star romance as their main feature. This book doesn’t do that, although it is, arguably, the one thing it actually did well. I fell in love with that part, and honestly, by the time I got to the end, I would have been more than willing to throw out a five star rating—but I needed to also take into consideration how I felt at the beginning of the book, and how I felt about everything else in the story—not just this one aspect, no matter how well it was executed. So I think three stars is fair, when I take in everything I feel. Hopefully I’ll be able to explain it all adequately!
An ARC of this book was provided by the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
What I Liked: Spoilers!
What I Didn’t Like:
Overall: Nothing about this book clicked for me except the relationship between Sing and Nathan—or, more specifically, Nathan’s character in general (because I really couldn’t care less about Sing). Once I reached the end, I was so giddy from the feeling of it that I wished, dearly, that I could have loved every bit of the read instead of having winced at most of it. I’m not quite sure if I’d recommend it, since my own feelings are so conflicted. I suppose if you don’t mind third person, present tense narration, you might as well give this one a go—that may have been what bothered me most about reading this, so I’ll leave you to your own devices. However, I can say with certainty that if you enjoy low-toned romances (or are a die hard romantic like me), you will definitely enjoy the one incredibly bright spot this particular book has to offer.